Future-proof your career with a job in software engineering – News24

Planning for a future can be intimidating for your child, especially when they have just matriculated. But it’s not a decision they can make overnight.

In fact – there are plenty of opportunities around to help you secure your future with evergreen skills you can pick up through short courses and apprenticeship experiences.

The world of software engineering opens a world of opportunities. Here are key reasons why software engineering skills will future-proof your career.

Diverse roles and core digital skills

Software Development and Data Science are careers that are still growing in traction and demand in the working world. As our world and lives become more online, professionals who can code and understand programmes will be of great use to all companies.

Software developers and data scientists have diverse role options. They are not only able to build new digital spaces and platforms, but help to design for better user experience, called UX, and user interface, called UI.

In some roles, they support complex IT systems, and even resolve glitches and issues within the platforms once they are up and running. They also have the potential to explore roles in data mining. This means they would be able to code and aid Artificial Intelligence (AI) interfaces to track and monitor data absorbed from platforms – this information can then help their company adapt tech for a better user experience or inform business research.

While there are courses at universities that offer this, they can be pricey. Fortunately, there are plenty of short courses and online training courses that are offered at discount rates – and even free for some companies.

ALX Africa, for example, is offering matriculants (or anyone interested) the opportunity to learn software engineering for free. The programme kicks off on 23 January 2023 and is set to run for 12 months, with 70 hours dedicated per week.

Enrolment is open and closes on 11 January 2023. To enrol or find out more information – you can visit ALX Africa here.

Game Design

Similarly, a career on the rise is the role of digital designers and game designers. With content becoming more immersive and interactive – as well as the growing demand for VR and AR experiences – game design and digital design will be a specialised and coveted role to fill.

Much like software developers and data scientists, digital and game designers are open to a world of opportunities within the industry, thanks to their training in software development and engineering. From actual game design to gamified news and marketing experiences – there are a plethora of roles and possibilities that fit within these titles.

These are just some of the reasons why software engineering can help future-proof your place in the working world. You can explore course options available by doing your research online and looking for training courses, university courses, or apprenticeships that work for you.

ALX Africa currently offers courses in tech, finance and sales. To find out more about these, you can visit their website www.alxafrica.com.

This post was sponsored by ALX and produced by Adspace Studio.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMicWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5ld3MyNC5jb20vbmV3czI0L3BhcnRuZXJjb250ZW50L2Z1dHVyZS1wcm9vZi15b3VyLWNhcmVlci13aXRoLWEtam9iLWluLXNvZnR3YXJlLWVuZ2luZWVyaW5nLTIwMjIxMjEy0gF1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3czI0LmNvbS9hbXAvbmV3czI0L3BhcnRuZXJjb250ZW50L2Z1dHVyZS1wcm9vZi15b3VyLWNhcmVlci13aXRoLWEtam9iLWluLXNvZnR3YXJlLWVuZ2luZWVyaW5nLTIwMjIxMjEy?oc=5

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